Cell-type profiling in salamanders identifies innovations in vertebrate forebrain evolution
Woych J*, Ortega Gurrola A*, Deryckere A*, Jaeger ECB*, Gumnit E*, Merello G, Gu J, Joven Araus A, Leigh ND, Yun M, Simon A, Tosches MA
Science 377 (6610):1063 (2022)
Tosches MA*, Yamawaki TM*, Naumann RK, Jacobi A, Tushev G, Laurent G
Science 360 (6391):881-888 (2018)
bold: Tosches lab members
* : co-first author
# : corresponding author
Jaeger ECB*, Vijatovic D*, Deryckere A*, Zorin N, Nguyen AL, Ivanian G, Woych J, Arnold RC, Ortega-Gurrola A, Shvartsman A, Barbieri F, Toma FA, Gorbsky GJ, Horb ME, Cline HT, Shay TF, Kelley DB, Yamaguchi A, Shein-Idelson M, Tosches MA#, Sweeney LB# (2024) - "Adeno-Associated Viral Tools to Trace Neural Development and Connectivity Across Amphibians" - bioRxiv 2024.02.15.580289 – under revision
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